Why I Support “Family Planning”
Editor’s note: Yesterday, the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good released a statement entitled ‘A Call to Christian Common Ground on Family Planning, and Maternal, and Children’s Health.’ The NEP document defines family planning as ‘the freely and mutually chosen use of a variety of contraceptive methods to prevent or postpone pregnancy. It does not include interventions that take place after pregnancy is established.’ (p. 5) Professor Hall was a signatory to this statement, and we hope that you will click over to read it as well as her comments here.
When Richard Cizik of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good wrote to ask if I would sign this document, I agreed.
I knew that I would need to explain myself to some beloved friends. Of course, I also have other beloved friends who are sad that I still even have friends who do not support family planning. Friendship is complicated. But the NEP press release is out, so here goes my explanation.